Hey, you've stumbled upon my digital time capsule!

My name is Hal, a shortened version of my FULL name, Halexander Newton. As of writing this, on 1/10/24, I'm an undergraduate Anthropology student, minoring in Biology and Computer Science with a standalone certification in ethics.

I write this in hopes of leaving a waypoint in the ceaseless stream of digital media. It is my hope that, perhaps as modern users find the sites of the Web's earliest inhabitants, someone will one day stumble upon these statements, landlocked in the sea of time.

To whomever reads this, wherever you are, it is my hope that you, finding this, comprehend the efficacy of your individual existence. Sites like mine are but mere blips in the greater network of humanity's record, but already it has impacted people such as yourself! How wonderful it is, to have something on this Earth that can be viewed by anyone, anywhere, so long as you have the means to locate it. Remember such powers are also available to you. Change the world by being a part of it, and change the Web by making something beautiful!